Swedteam Lynx XTRM M Antibite Trousers anti-insecten heren broek maat 52

Artikelnummer: 7330144023676
Artikel 53 van 127
€ 169,00

Anti-teken broek die insecten op afstand houdt. De Swedteam Lynx XTRM M Antibite Trousers heeft een insectenwerende behandeling die u beschermd tegen o.a.a teken en muggen. Deze anti-bite herenbroek is comfortabel door de stretch panelen en is alleen nog verkrijgbaar in Hunting Green in maat 52.

Antibite van Swedteam is teken en andere bijtende insecten werende kleding die als de eerste in de markt niet op een giftige stof is gebaseerd. Het bevat dus geen permetrine, de basisvloeistof voor landbouwgif. Antibite werkt op basis van lichaamseigen aminozuren. Aminozuren hebben wij in ons lichaam, alleen verschilt de hoeveelheid per persoon en is dit over het algemeen te laag om ons te beschermen tegen bijtende en stekende insecten. 

Specificaties van de Antibite-kleding van Swedteam:

  • Hoge afstotende werking tegen stekende en bijtende insecten, zoals muggen en teken
  • Bestand tegen wassen (getest met minimaal 80 wasbeurten)
  • Het gebruikte middel is Bio-compatibel (zeer effectief tegen mosquito en andere insecten) en is door de EPA geclassificeerd met de laagste toxiciteit (klasse IV) in alle categorieën
  • Onschadelijk voor zoogdieren
  • Volledig biologisch afbreekbaar en daardoor een milieubewuste keuze

Swedteam Lynx XTRM M Antibite Trousers
Outdoor trouser with stretch panels and Antibite™ treatment against bugs and tics. Robust and yet lightweight outdoor trouser in polyester-cotton fabric. Front of legs and seat are reinforced with a strong fabric against wear and tear. Big stretch panels in front and back for a smooth fit. Spacious front pockets. Two leg pockets suitable for mobile phone or wallet. Lower hem is adjustable in width with snap buttons. Antibite™ is a non-toxic and environmental friendly treatment against mosquitos and tics. The Antibite™ substance is active for up to 80 washes.

  • Waxed Finish
  • antibite™
  • Wind Resistant
  • Pro Fit
  • Zippers NYGUARD
  • Front Pockets 2
  • Leg Pockets 2
  • Back Pocket
  • Elastic Waist
  • Adjustable Leg Opening Button
  • Pre-Shaped Knees
  • Leg Opening Reinforcement
  • Layer 3

Anyone who spends any amount of time out in the forests and open terrain knows how annoying mosquitos and other insects can be, constantly buzzing around your head. A mosquito can smell its prey from far away, and just like hunters, they are alert and on the prowl day and night. Flies, wasps and ticks can also be a major nuisance.

However, these insects aren’t just irritating – despite their size, mosquitos are the deadliest animals in the world today. Due to climate change, as well as the fact we are travelling across greater distances than ever before, the number of people in areas where there is a risk being bitten and infected has grown markedly. Of the world's population, 80 per cent are at risk of catching one or more vector-borne illnesses. Now, for the first time, there is a sustainable and effective solution to this problem. Once again, Swedteam is leading the way, and we are delighted to have exclusive rights to treat hunting clothes with AntibiteTM in Europe. 

What is Antibite™?
Antibite™ is a technique for treating textiles with an insect repellent. The base ingredient of Antibite™ is a substance that has been on the market for over 30 years and is based on a natural amino acid. A research group at the University of Minho in Portugal has found a way of using nanotechnology to impregnate clothing with this technique, known as Antibite™.

How does it work?
Insects use their sense of smell to find their way in nature. Antibite™ is based on a natural amino acid that emits a smell signal warning insects to keep away. As Antibite™ is designed to repel rather than eradicate, the insects do not develop any resistance to the substance and it is not a reproduction inhibitor, as most traditional insect repellents are. The substance does not cause any skin irritation, is not absorbed into the body, is unscented, and has no side effects. What’s more, it is also environmentally friendly and does not pose a hazard to mammals and fish.

Where are the products treated?
Antibite™ is applied using nanotechnology directly into the finished pieces of clothing at our partner’s facilities in Portugal. As the substance penetrates the textile fibres, its efficiency is increased and the effect lasts for 80 washes.

What benefits does this offer the user?
With Antibite™, you don’t need to use any other mosquito or insect repellents. As the active substance is located in your clothes, you’ll be protected as long as you’re wearing the clothing. The application process does not compromise the quality or appearance of the clothing, and the Antibite™ retains its effectiveness for at least 80 washes. The substance is completely environmentally friendly, meaning that the protection it offers does not come at the cost of nature or mammals.


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